OPEN Group employees believe it is important to participate in social projects. On September 29 both Moscow and Yekaterinburg offices at the same time, OPEN Group took part in a charity bike training. Its participants “rode” on the exercise bikes as each kilometre they rode was converted into rubles at a special rate determined by the company and transferred to support children undergoing a complex and lengthy decision at one of the federal medical centres.
Forty-eight people took part in the action (20 in Moscow in the Rock the Cycle studio and 28 in Yekaterinburg in the VYKRUTasy studio)..
Some employees also brought their children, who also kept up to the adults’ pace!
Вместе обе команды «проехали» 814 километров, в среднем — 17 километров на одного участника. Команда Екатеринбурга преодолела расстояние, равное путешествию до Челябинска и обратно. .
Together, both teams “drove” 814 kilometres, 17 kilometres per participant on average. The team of Yekaterinburg “travelled” a distance equal to travelling to Chelyabinsk and back. The Moscow team, in turn, “cycled” to Vladimir and back.