OPEN Group is among the leaders in the trade marketing agencies rating
As a part of their market research, INFOLine formed the rating of the trade marketing agencies, marking the important stage both for the agencies themselves and for the customers. After all, rating is not a competition, but an element of building a transparent architecture of the trade marketing market, and therefore a guarantee of the quality of services.
OPEN Group initiated the research and preparation of a transparent rating since the establishment the Trade Marketing Association, and we are very pleased that it has been formed. We hope that it will bring practical benefits to all market participants, both in terms of assessing and selecting contractors, and for improving their work by agencies. A total of 184 respondents from 125 companies were interviewed.
According to a survey of 49 largest customers of merchandising services from the FMCG sector, OPEN Group holds an honorable II place. Another survey, the assessment of all customers participating in the study, puts OPEN Group at the III place. Customers also gave us a high rating for the "sales outsourcing" service – the II place among the 9 largest suppliers.
The study showed good brand awareness of OPEN and high customer loyalty. We will continue to ensure the quality if the relations with our partners while reaching new heights in improving our services. “We are glad that many customers see us as a reliable supplier and partner. For us, a high place in the ranking is as important as the quality of the services we provide and the satisfaction of our customers. In our work, we strive to provide not just a specific service, but to help the customer achieve efficiency through resource optimization and high quality services. Therefore, we want to express our gratitude to all our partners participating in the study, who highly appreciated our approach to project implementation” - Pavel Prokhorov, CEO, OPEN Group.